Friday, January 28, 2011

The Importance of Arabic in Understanding Modern Politics

Ahlan wa Sahlan,

We all have our reasons for learning the Arabic language. For many Muslims the main goal is to understand their holy scripture the Quran and to study their religion in its original language by being able to read the sources. For many non-Muslims in the field of comparative religions, it is almost similar. Those interested in Near Eastern Studies or Middle Eastern politics also need to be able to understand and communicate in Arabic for their respective fields. But what about the average student like many of you? What are other benefits that Muslims, non-Muslims, Arabs and non-Arabs alike can get from the language?

Getting a better understanding of the world around them! In these times the Middle East in general, and the Arab world in particular, is making the headlines on almost every network. How can you be sure that what you are hearing is that whole truth or the entire story? The truth is you can't! Unless you are a student of the Arabic language. You have the ability to search out the Arabic sources on the Web and compare what your own media sources in your country are saying compared to what those in the concerned country are! You can also read what the people who are making the news are thinking as many of them will be communicating in Arabic! 

Learning the language has countless benefits and making yourself into a more cultured, educated and open-minded individual is one of them. If you are in the beginning of your journey, know that you have lots to gain with your efforts, much more than any short-term or specific goal you have set. If you are speaking the language and can understand it with the help of a dictionary, look up the popular Arabic media sites and read, read, READ!

For more on what is going on in Egypt check out the Practical Muslims blog!

To help you out I've gathered a few links to get you started: - Al-Jazeera Arabic (Yes it is an actual news network and is more reliable than you think!) - Al Hayat. Beirut-based pan-Arabian newspaper providing in-depth reporting on the Middle East and the Arab world. - ANN - Arab News Network.

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