Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Must Haves: An Arabic-English Lexicon! FREE!

Ahlan wa Sahlan,

By far the most vast piece of work on the Arabic language. This Lexicon will provide you with detailed information on not only the meanings of words but the history behind them. It goes into tremendous detail and is one of the works which every serious student of the Arabic language must have. It was compiled by the Orientalist Edward William Lane in the 19th century and continues to be a priceless addition to any Arabic students library.

Prof. A.J. Arberry, who has translated the Quran, says, "It (Lane's Lexicon) is a work of such fundamental importance and of such matchless excellence that praise for it is quite superfluous. Every Arabist since Lane has had good cause to bless him for his superhuman labours ... It is certainly true to say that every work produces in this century relating in any way to Arabic studies has drawn heavily on the Lexicon."

You can download this work which has made understanding the language so much easier for English speakers at the following link:

You can also read it online here: